The Compose Newtype and its Applicative Instance


Table of Contents

When I went through Haskell From First Principle the first time, I struggled with the Compose applicative instance, which is part of an exercise in chapter 25. This post will give you a quick overview of the Compose data type and then explain how the applicative instance for that type works.

The Compose data type is part of base and allows composing two functors:

> :m Data.Functor.Compose
> let a = Right (Just 2)
> :t Compose a
> Compose a :: Num a => Compose (Either a2) Maybe a

Any code that starts with > is meant to be run in a repl, such as stack ghci or ghci.

Here we took two functors (a Maybe and an Either) and composed them, giving us a new functor! Why is that useful?

> :m Data.Functor.Compose
> let a = Right (Just 2)
> fmap ((+) 2) a
• No instance for (Num (Maybe Int)) arising from a use of ‘+’

This does not work because fmap is trying to map (+) 2 over our Either, which is equivalent to applying (+) 2 to Just 2 which doesn’t work. However, with the help of Compose we can create a new functor from Either and Maybe which will work with fmap!

> :m Data.Functor.Compose
> let a = Right (Just 2)
> let b = Compose a
> fmap ((+) 2) b
Compose (Right (Just 4))

The Problem

In the book, you’re tasked with writing the applicative instance for Compose, which requires at least two functions1: pure and <*>.

pure :: a -> fa a
(<*>) :: fa (a -> b) -> fa a -> fa b

I really struggled with the definition of <*>, so I turned to google to find some solutions that I could then reverse engineer. Here’s one possible definition:

instance (Applicative fa, Applicative fb) =>
  Applicative (Compose fa fb) where
  (<*>) ::
	   Compose fa fb (a -> b)
	-> Compose fa fb a
	-> Compose fa fb b
  Compose x <*> Compose y =
	Compose ((<*>) <$> x <*> y)

Functor types are named fa, fb, and so on. If you see an f, it’s a function, both on the type and the data level. I refer to fa and fb as functors since the applicative type class requires those things to be functors.

As is often the case with Haskell, the code is really concise. In a single line we’re dealing with three operators and one of them is the very operator we’re defining for Compose (<*>). While that kind of code is a joy to read and write if you’re fluent in all things functor and applicative, it’s a mouthful if you’re trying to improve your understanding of these topics.

So let’s work through the implementation one step at a time!

Something Concrete

The code below shows a function (+) 2 wrapped in a Maybe. We apply it to a value (wrapped in a Maybe) by using <*>. Simple enough.

> let a = Just ((+) 2)
> let b = Just 5
> a <*> b
Just 7

	   Just ((+) 2)     Just 5    Just 7
<*> :: fa   (a -> b) -> fa   a -> fa   b

Let’s up the ante a bit and wrap both the function and the value in another Maybe.

> let a = Just (Just ((+) 2))
> let b = Just (Just 5)
> a <*> b

This does not work since we can’t just add another layer and expect the original <*> to work. After all, its type signature expects function and value to be inside a single functor, not nested in another.

So what’s the #1 solution for manipulating nested stuff in Haskell? fmap all the things!

> :m Control.Applicative
> let a = Just (Just ((+) 2))
> let b = Just (Just 5)
> fmap (<*>) a <*> b

We map <*> over a, meaning we partially apply <*> to the Just ((+) 2) inside a. We then take that partially applied function (which is still inside the functor a) and apply it to the Just 5 in b. Please go ahead and open a repl now and play around with that code, it can do wonders for understanding stuff like that.

Something Abstract

But how does the fmap knowledge from the last paragraph help us make sense of the instance code?

instance (Applicative fa, Applicative fb) =>
  Applicative (Compose fa fb) where
  (<*>) ::
	   Compose fa fb (a -> b)
	-> Compose fa fb a
	-> Compose fa fb b
  Compose x <*> Compose y =
	Compose ((<*>) <$> x <*> y)

The first part (<*>) <$> x written without infix notation and fmap instead of the operator is fmap (<*>) x. We map the function <*> over x and x has the type fa fb (a -> b). We therefore apply <*> to the fb (a -> b) inside x. Check out the commented code below, which hopefully makes things clearer.

instance (Applicative fa, Applicative fb) =>
  Applicative (Compose fa fb) where
	(<*>) ::
		  Compose fa fb (a -> b)
				 --  ^^^^^^^^^^^
				 -- This is the first argument to <*>
	   -> Compose fa fb a
	   -> Compose fa fb b
	Compose x <*> Compose y =
		-- fa' :: fa (fb a -> fb b)
		--            ^^^^ The 2nd argument to <*>
		let fa' = fmap (<*>) x
			   -- ^^^^ mapping <*> over x means applying
			   -- <*> to the content of x
		in ???

The <*> only needs its 2nd argument now, which is a functor with a value inside it. And we have something like that inside our y (y is fa fb b and therefore the missing argument to <*> is the fb b part inside the fa). How can we apply a function inside a functor to a value inside a functor? <*>! And that’s how we arrive at the 2nd part:

instance (Applicative fa, Applicative fb) =>
  Applicative (Compose fa fb) where
	(<*>) ::
		  Compose fa fb (a -> b)
	   -> Compose fa fb a
	   -> Compose fa fb b
	Compose x <*> Compose y =
		let fa' = fmap (<*>) x
		in Compose $ fa' <*> y

This is not so different from how we used <*> in “Something Concrete”, just that both arguments have an additional level of nesting. Aligning the type signatures of <*> (top) and Compose x <*> Compose y (bottom) helps with visualising the similarities. It’s the exact same operation one level deeper for both arguments.

   fb (a -> b) ->    fb a ->    fb b
fa fb (a -> b) -> fa fb a -> fa fb b

Quick recap:

  • fmap (<*>) x: Partially apply <*> the contents of x, which gives us a functor holding a partially applied function.
  • fa' <*> y: Fully apply the <*> inside fa' (!) to the contents of y through another use of <*>.

The hackage implementation

The implementation of the applicative instance using <*> and a mix of infix operators requires some mental gymnastics. On hackage however the instance uses liftA2, which does a much better job of communicating the essence of what’s going on. Here’s an example of how liftA2 works, and where it’s compared to our use of liftA from above.

> let a = Just (Just ((+) 2))
> let b = Just (Just 5)
> fmap (<*>) a <*> b
Just (Just 7)
> liftA (<*>) a <*> b
Just (Just 7)
> liftA2 (<*>) a b
Just (Just 7)

As you can see, liftA2 leads to the same result but is a bit more concise and expressive in this case. We can use liftA2 to conveniently apply <*> to the contents of the two functors in the two Compose types.


Thanks to u/Syrak from reddit for reminding me that liftA and fmap are pretty much the same. I edited the post so that liftA is only used at the very end. See also his comment for more insights!


Technically the minimal definition of applicative requires pure and either <*> or liftA2